Thinking of getting one fitted and unsure of what to go for?
Or maybe you have a parking aid fitted but want to know if you should get something extra?
We’ll try and help you decide by weighing up the pros and cons for each system.
Having reverse sensors fitted gives you very accurate distancing from your vehicle to the object in-front or behind you. With the front sensors you can also distance yourself better from the car or object in front of you rather than guesstimating.
Reverse cameras help you clearly see what is behind you which is great especially for larger vehicles like vans. You can even have guidelines on your display which help you to park with ease. This is great for telling when a vehicle or person may be approaching you as you reverse.
However the parking sensors are more effective at gauging what distance you are from the object rather than you doing so by eye through the camera display.
The cost of parking sensors are generally much cheaper as there is not as much work involved and also less parts. For our parking sensors the cost £179.99 fully installed.
Reverse cam costs can vary for each vehicle and on what sort of display system you will be using. Generally it will cost £340 for a standard reverse camera with monitor and fully fitted.
Our back up sensors come fully colour coded to match your vehicles paint and can also be fitted flush with your vehicles body work so you will barely notice them at all.
There is no doubt that the reverse camera looks great especially when fitted like the factory system in a head unit.