Looking for a vehicle tracker app to manage your fleet of keep an eye on your vehicle?
You can download our app and try the demo! Just search for 'ConnectMS' in the app store.
Here we’ll explain just what you will get when getting one of our telfonika vehicle trackers installed.
Once the tracker is hardwire fitted it is loaded with a sim card which will give you a very precise location of your vehicle and send a huge amount of data to the mobile app and website.
Track all of your vehicles on your phone.
With the app you can check exact and real time location, speed and ignition on/off. You will also be able to check any routes travelled with locations and times. Even get notified when your car is turned on, moving, being towed away, goes over a certain speed limit etc.
Or track them on your laptop or PC.
Using our website to track your fleet.
You can also visit our website on http://connectmstracking.co.uk, where you can also try the demo login. The website has more options and gives you a much more detailed reports.
These reports can show more features like harsh driving, fuel levels, geo fencing and many more. You can choose between many more maps, set many more alerts and also keep a log book of trips.
All of the trackers which we fit come with the option of viewing on app or website.
For £180 you could have a tracker fully fitted + an annual subscription fee of £144