Whether your fitting it to a car, van, lorry or maybe a more personal asset, a GPS (Global Positioning System) Tracker will give you a precise positioning anywhere in the world. The trackers we install work using the Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) which uses a huge range of satellites to determine not just the location but also speed time and direction.
This all links together to give you an accurate journey map in real time or view it historically as the GPS tracker will monitor and store the journey information. You can then use this information to your own advantage.
You can view this information on your computer or laptop and with most of our trackers through an app on your phone. This app or website (depending on device) allows you to monitor in real time the location, print out existing records and journeys, check on drivers performance etc.
How will this help me?
If you’re going to be using the tracker for personal use tracking delivery of your assets or personal vehicles like cars then it’s simple. Keep a tight eye with pin point, real time location of your assets to prevent them from being stolen. Insurance companies often offer discounts to those who have trackers fitted to their cars.
However if you will be using vehicle tracking as a fleet management system there is so many ways you could benefit from having these GPS systems installed.
The first one is drivers performance and fuel cost. Once you have told your driver that they’re being monitored they will subconsiously have it in their head at all times to drive sensibly. After all, you can tell how harshly they are breaking, acceletating, if they’re over speeding and if they’re making any extra journeys they shouldn’t be doing. All of these not only increase the risk of an accident but they also make your fuel consumption much greater.
As well as reducing time wasted driving you can also cut down time wasted on filling in paper work in the office. Once you have everything on screen with drivers names, starting and finishing location with times, the route they took, any stops made like for fuel etc. This should stop you wasting your time on unneccesary work and let you focus on you own work.
There is so many more benefits to GPS vehicle tracking which will will cover at a later date.